Home / Family Time / #44: What Keeps us from Pursuing our Spouse’s Heart?

#44: What Keeps us from Pursuing our Spouse’s Heart?

My wife directed me to Jarrid Wilson’s blog post entitled I’m Dating Someone Even Though I am Married.  It’s a subtle hint as to the type of man I need to be. There is a bit of trickery with the title as it makes you think one thing and then you realize half way through the article that Jarrid is talking about something completely different.  Jarrid is talking about dating his wife. Below is a small example of what he wrote.

 I love to take her out to dinner, movies, local shows, and always tell her how beautiful she is. I can’t remember the last time I was mad at her for longer than five minutes, and her smile always seems to brighten up my day no matter the circumstances.

Sometimes she will visit me at work unannounced, make me an incredible lunch, or even surprise me with something she personally baked. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be dating someone even though I am married. I encourage you to try it and see what it can do for your life.

…….Pursuing your wife like your dating.  You will see a drastic change for the better in your relationship.

In this case Jarrid Wilson makes the case for being the type of husband that pursues his wife’s heart.  By the way he tells his story, I believe his wife is pursuing his own heart.

“You should be pursing the heart of your wife every day.”  It sounds easy on the surface.  Heck, if you are married and reading this then you pursued your wife until she married you.  Good job by the way!

So what’s the problem?  Why are many husbands falling short when it comes to pursing their wives heart?  And why do wives stop pursing the heart of their husbands?  I think there are many reasons spouses struggle with this topic and I discuss a few of them.

Too Busy and Too Tired

It seems as though husbands and parents have become busier and busier throughout the years.  We work more to make ends meet and whatever time is left in the day after taking kids to practice for whatever sport they are participating in we likely use for ourselves.  We watch a little television or read a book.  We want to relax our body and minds.  I understand trust me.

We are too Distracted by Technology

When I say technology I am really talking about iPhones, iPads, smart phones, the Nexus 7 and any other piece of technology that keeps you from having a meaningful conversation with anyone around you.  We can’t help that we can play games, get the news, look at social media and watch movies all from a little phone.  It’s ridiculous and the odds are stacked against on this one.

Children Take up More Time

We love our children.  Some might say we are all a little overprotective when it comes to being parents.  Many parents spend more time with their children then their spouse when technically we should be probably doing it the other way around (not by much but a little more).  Your kids might be involved in extracurricular activities after school or may just demand you attention frequently.  Either way this loss of time makes it difficult.

Many Occupations Require More Time Working From Home

Many occupations these days require that an employee travel more or that they work from home after a 10 hour day.  This takes time away from everything and everyone, especially your spouse.

CoupleMany Spouses Forget the Importance of Chasing their Spouse’s Heart

How many husbands seem to let themselves go after marriage (my hand is up).  I didn’t mean to do it but it just kind of happened.  With all the good food my wife makes and of course my late night snacking…oh and all the junk I have eaten in the past, I am 100 pounds heavier than I was when I graduated high school.  I should be trying to impress my wife with my dashing good looks just like I did before we married.  Spouses should get handsome or pretty for their spouses.

Most Marriages Fizzle Because Husbands and Wives don’t Pursue Each Other

Is this true or false?  I believe it is overwhelming true.  How many divorced couple say they went on dates every week or to dinner together without their children?  How many wives say, “He brought me flowers and told me how beautiful I was every day, I just couldn’t handle it.

I would dare say no one would say that.

Advice – Try to win your Wife’s Heart Every Day.

The Lord knows I am no pro at this but I am mindful of it.  I know that I don’t always pursue my wife’s heart like I should because of the aforementioned distractions.  Like Jarrid Wilson’s article shares, you should go to movies, date, do nice things for each other (and it doesn’t have to cost money).

Until next time,


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