Home / Family Time / #32: The 5 Reasons I am Letting My Daughter Write a Blog

#32: The 5 Reasons I am Letting My Daughter Write a Blog

If your kids watch you do something long enough they are bound to gain interest in it.  My dad played darts in a league for many years and though I never really got to watch him do it, I was interested in it because he was interested in it.  Fast forward to where I am today and I have been playing or practicing darts for almost 20 years. 

Bad habits also come from watching your parents as well.  I watch my dad smoke all of my life.  I naturally became interested in smoking and smoked for 20 years.  

Kids want to emulate their parents in many cases and I am sure if you are reading this you have at one time or another became interested in something because of your parents.  It naturally happens because parents are a major influence in a child’s life. 

Build-A-Bear BlogSo my daughter and I somehow got on the topic of her starting her own blog.  I got all excited about it because if you can’t tell already, I like to blog and write about my thoughts and opinions.  So my daughter and I began spitball ideas and topics for her blog.  She got her notepad out and starting writing down ideas for the name of the blog.  We then starting brainstorming topics that she could write on and how long each post should be.  

I explained to her that blogging can be fun but it is a lot of work; but it faze her a bit.  She wrote the introduction of her blog and then started writing on the topics we had discussed earlier. He blog is basically focused around kids her age and I am sure it will expand with time.

So here are 5 reasons I let my daughter start a blog

It Keeps Us Connected

My daughter and I get to share this hobby for as long as she wants to do it.  It is something that her mother and I can work with her on and have fun doing together.  I look at it as keeping a connection with my daughter.  A father daughter project if you will.  I am excited about it and so is she.

My Daughter Is Learning To Become A Better Writer

After two blog articles and an introduction, my daughter and I have had the chance to talk about sentence structure, writing about topics readers what to read and writing informative and interesting articles.

She Is Learning About The Computer

Having her write on Microsoft Word is giving me opportunities to teach her how to use it properly, how to save documents and how to search for a document after you lose it.  There was a day when she was upset because she saved her article but didn’t know where she saved it.  I was able to show her how to search the computer for something and sure enough we found her article. 

It’s A Stepping Stone

How many kids do you know that are writing a blog?  I am sure there are a few out there but I would stress a few.  This can be a stepping stone for my daughter to learn about many other things in the tech world.  She can learn about SEO, building a website or in the future creating a new blog around an entirely different topic. 

Maybe she will end up loving to write so much that she does it for a living.  Who knows what will happen.  One thing I do know is that she will learn different skills that will be important.

It’s A Fun Projectlove my build a bear

It’s fun (or at least it appears that way right now).  I have already had fun editing her blogs and building a website for her. It’s nothing fancy but it has the colors of the Washington Huskies on the website and a ton of pictures she has made. 

I think she will really think it is fun when people start to visit her website and comment on her articles.

I am very excited that my daughter has taken an interest in blogging but I would be happy participating in any hobby with my daughter or son.  Whether it be racing RC cars, kicking the soccer ball around or this blogging thing; I am just happy to be able to do it.  It’s not about doing the hobby per say, it’s about the opportunity to do something together with my daughter.

Are there hobbies you do with your kids?  Share your hobbies below in the comments. 

Thanks for reading,




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