If I told you that your children wanted to spend more time with you I would appear judgmental and look like a jerk. If I told you that you squandered time each day watching television instead of going on a walk with your wife and children, you might defend the time you watch television and probably disassociate yourself with me at that point because I keep saying you don’t do enough as a father. But if I used a story to express my point of view, you might listen and internalize the time you spend with your children without your defenses keeping you from seeing the truth. I analyze the amount of time I spend with my children frequently. I tend to see or hear things throughout the day that remind me of how precious time is and how blessed I am to be a husband and father.
Today I read something on Facebook and it one of those stories that makes you take a look at things. For me, it was reassurance that I what I was doing was the right thing as a father. To be clear I will be paraphrasing the story. The story goes like this:
A father and son were sitting at a table. The son asked his father how much he made. The father told him it was none of his business. The son pleaded with his father to answer the question. The father said,”Ok if you must know I make $100 dollars an hour.” The son put his head down and asked his father if he could borrow $50 dollars. The father became very upset and accused his son of only wanting the money to buy some toy and that his request was selfish. He then told his son to go his room.
The son went to his room quietly. The father at first became even angrier at the request and then calmed down after about an hour. The father began to think that his son might want to purchase something important and that he never really asked for money very often.
He went into his son’s room and apologized for coming down on his so hard. He then gave his son the $50 dollars.
The son got really excited and thanked his father. He then reached under his pillow and pulled out several smaller crumpled up bills. The father began to get upset again because his son already had money.
He son told his father that he didn’t have enough until now. The son said, ”Daddy I have $100 dollars now. Can I buy one hour of your time? Can you come home early tomorrow and so I can have dinner with you?
His father was crushed and melted. He wrapped his arms around his son and asked for his son to forgive him.
The story goes on to say this was just a reminder to all of the hard workers out there. Don’t forget to spend time with those who matter most to you. If we died tomorrow the companies we worked for could replace us. If we died tomorrow our wives and children would feel the loss for the rest of their lives. Don’t pour more of yourself into your job than into your family.
This story tugs a bit at the heart strings and it should. Our children want and need our love and attention. What can you do to make sure you children get enough of your attention?
I hope this post finds you well. Enjoy your family and be thankful everyday for them.
Until next time,
Sweet story and a great reminder… Childhood is fleeting; live in the moment with your children while you can!
I agree. Thanks for reading.