Nearly 9 years ago my wife gave me the great news that she was pregnant with my daughter. If you’re a parent or a father then I am assuming your story is just like mine. Up to this point I have found that my daughter is very girly and enjoys painting her nail with her mother or on her own. She enjoys dressing up in pretty dresses and wearing the very occasional makeup or lip gloss. She will get pedicures with her mother and grandmother from time to time as well. My wife and I consider ourselves overprotective parents.
With that being said my daughter is very adventurous as well. She doesn’t get scared when she goes on the big roller coasters and doesn’t really appear to be afraid of trying new things. One thing I have noticed in particular is how coordinated she is. Whether it be some sort of athletic activity like playing catch or soccer, she seems to pick up on the activity very quickly.
About 4 years ago when my daughter realized little girls had earrings in their ears she decided that she wanted to have earrings too. She came to her mother and I and asked us if we could take her to go and get her ears pierced. She made her case by explaining that girls her age and younger had their ears pierced and she wanted to have them done as well.
I am not a stranger to having ears pierced. I too wanted one ear pierced when I was a teenager. All the teenagers were doing it and I thought it would be cool. My mother was open to the idea but my father was not. He didn’t think a boy should have an ear pierced. Looking back now as an adult and father, I would side with him a little on the issue now. I first used a needle or a safety pin to poke a hole through my ear. I then closed the safety pin and waited for my bloody ear to heal. I took it out and let it heal only to have my mother take me down to have my ear pierced professionally without my father knowing. When my father saw it again he was very upset and I again had to remove it. Needless to say I could relate in some manner to my daughter’s request
My wife didn’t seem to have a problem or any major concerns with my daughter having her ears pierced. My wife knows how it feels to be a little girl and want to look pretty. I on the other had didn’t think of things in the same manner as my wife. I had plenty of objections but maybe not the ones you are thinking of.
The Wait
Our children grow so incredibly fast and we as parents do our best to teach and guide them the best we can. Many moments in our children’s lives symbolize their growth or maturity. When they turn 10 they hit the double digits. Kids turn 13 and we make a big deal about it because they are now in their teens. When they turn 16 they go and get their drivers license. When they turn 18 they are considered an adult.
My daughter continued to ask me several times each year if she could have them done. My wife would make comments that she didn’t mind but that it was up to me as to when she would get them done. I was appreciative to my wife for respecting my thoughts and feelings on the topic.
I wanted my daughter’s ear piercing to symbolize that she was growing up and I wanted it to be a bigger deal then just sending my daughter and wife down to Claire’s to get it done. So I made my daughter wait until December of 2012 when she was 8 years old. My daughter was going to get everything on her list but I really wanted to surprise her with something significant and special. My son and I made our way to the nearby mall and purchased several sets of earrings.
On Christmas day my daughter opened all her presents and the last one was a purse. Inside the purse was the set of earrings. When she pulled the earrings out she didn’t know what it meant. We explained to her that on December 26, 2012 we were going to take her down to have her ears pierced. She was incredibly happy that the day had finally come and couldn’t wait to finally have her ears pierced.
December 26th came and we headed down to Claire’s to have the ear piercing done. Grandma was visiting for Christmas so she was able to participate in the experience that my daughter had been waiting for. I pulled out my video camera and videotaped the entire experience. After she picked out the earrings that would be in her ears for the next couple of months, the staff member at Claire’s pierced her ears. We all made a pretty big deal out of it and my daughter could not wait to show off her ears as we walked through the mall to head back home.
It may appear that I was being overprotective as a father but I felt that ear piercing moment needed to be special and cherished; a moment that she will remember, and I grew as a father a little bit too.